Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Visit from Santa

We have been going out as a family and going for a walk together after dinner, baths, and pajamas...not every night but fairly regularly.  Last night we were especially excited to go for our walk because we knew that Santa would be coming through the neighborhood with fire trucks and police cars in tow.  We figured it would be fun for the boys...mostly James.

I was impressed with how well the city did up the whole Santa visit.  One of the fire trucks was covered in Christmas lights, and lots of the police officers and firemen were calling out "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" over loud speakers from their perches in the vehicles.  Whenever they saw a group of children standing by, they would stop the procession, so the kids could get closer to see Santa and get a candy cane from him.  They were also collecting canned goods while they were cruising through.

Each night Santa is going through different neighborhoods, and we just happened to notice he would be going through ours that same evening when we were searching online for good Christmas displays in our area.  We were glad we were able to be a part of that excitement.  It definitely did not disappoint...in fact, it was more impressive than I thought it was going to be. 

James thoroughly enjoyed the display.  We had to follow the precession around until they left our neighborhood.  Then on the walk back home James kept talking about Santa visiting that house (as he points to a house) and that one, etc.  This morning he told me he wanted to see Santa and the fire trucks again.  Even Sam had a good time...he actually started to fuss and cry once all the flashing lights were out of sight.

We plan on making this a planned activity every year because the kids really enjoyed it, and yes, even us adults thought it was wonderful.

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