Monday, July 2, 2012

Birth Family Visits

I received a call from a county worker today telling me that birth mom has been asking about visits.  The worker wanted to know if I had heard from the birth mom at all.  First of all, there should be no reason at all why the birth mom would be contacting me.  I passed on my agency worker's phone number, so they can set up visits with her since she will be the one supervising the visits.  I was told birth mom will be getting visits twice a week for an hour each visit. agency worker stopped by about ten minutes later because she needed us to sign some papers.  She had just received a call from the county worker letting her know about the visits, but she had to let the call go to voice mail at the time.  Not only will birth mom be having visits twice a week, but I guess there is a maternal aunt who will also be having visits once a week for an hour.  So 3 hours worth of visits a week...I know this sounds completely wrong, but I hope it is too much work for the family members to manage and the visits get reduced or dropped altogether.  I did ask my agency worker to try to schedule maternal aunt's visits back to back with one of the birth mom visits in order to reduce our travel days to twice a week instead of three times.

I will still need to determine how I will manage visits with my older two boys.  I am possibly going to drop the baby off a little early and then just head out to a nearby park or play gym and let James and Sam run around for awhile until we have to return to pick up baby David.  Sometimes I might be able to manage getting a baby-sitter to help entertain the boys while I take David to the visits, but I don't think I can ask someone to do that twice a week for who knows how long.

I hope the visits go as smoothly as possible for my little guy once they get started.  I would hate for him to cry the entire time...although he doesn't fuss much, and he does sleep a lot right now, so that probably won't be too big of an issue.  You never know, though.

One step at a time...just take it one step at a time and pray that God gives me strength to push through this.

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